Friday 17 June 2011

More Shows for June, July

We managed to scrape a 4th at Hanlith Hall, with a very badly behaved pony!  Never mind, it was a lovely morning, and we just got finished before the rain.
At the last minute, I discovered the North Yorkshire County Show, on this Sunday, 19 June.  It looks like it could be a lively agricultural show, with lots to see, so I've put in a late entry.  As the Shetland classes are at 1.00pm, it won't be an early start, which is a plus.
For July, I've discovered the Malton Show, clashing with the Mountain and Moorland In Hand on Sunday 17th July.  It looks like a good agricultural show, and will be much closer for us, so we are favouring that one.  Entries close 30th June,

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