Thursday, 2 June 2011

July Shows -Don't miss these

Lots of shows on in July, but specifically, North of England Annual Shetland Pony Show on 3rd July - a difficult one to track down, this, as there is no website, so the contact is Mrs Warwick, Tel 01524 825110.  Entries close 13th June, and no late entries are accepted. Don't miss this one if you are within easy reach. It's a bit out of the way for some, being in Cumbria, but it's a really good show.  Lots of serious shetland people there, and good ponies.  A really strong showing of Black ponies, and the opportunity to meet some of the top shetland breeders.  Last year was my first at this show, but I thought it was well worth it, despite persistant Lake District rain! No trade stands as such, but there is catering (by Jan's Pantry).
Alternatively, there's the Arthington show (  This has changed weekends since last year, so I won't be going, but it looks like it has potential.  Classes for mixed in hand, and also mountain and moorland split in to small and large breeds.  Entries by 25th June, or on the day.
The other show I'm hoping to attend is the North of England In Hand Mountain and Moorland Championship Show.  I can't comment on this one, as I haven't been before, but it's on 17th July in Grantham.  Entries by 29th June.  Find the schedule at
This year I'm trying the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society Breed Show, which is in Falkirk, on 24th July.  This is quite a long way, so will be a major trip for us.  I think this may be quite a prestigious event.
Then there's the Huby and Sutton on the Forest Agricultural Show on 31st July.  This is a good local agricultural show, with lots to see, in a very nice stetting. Entries by 15th July

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