Thursday 7 April 2011

Yorkshire Shetlands Spring Show

This was a show with an unusual venue.  It was held at the York Livestock Centre, and this turned out to be an auction centre, so there was a small field for showing livestock, and then a very large area of metal buildings housing sales halls, and stabling.  There seemed to be various 'car boot' type sales taking place at the same time in some of the halls, and the whole area was crowded with people attending these various events.  It was very noisy inside the stables, due to people, animals, and the general noise levels that come from busyness within metal buildings.  My ponies were a bit frightened by all the commotion, and one was definitly unhappy to be left alone.  Apart from this 'industrial' ambiance, it was quite conveniently laid out, with the stables being very near the showing ring. 
It was a pleasant day as there were many lovely Shetlands present, and lots of familiar faces.  Tip for this show - leave your picnic outside the stable, unless you like your sandwiches trampled a bit.

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