Friday 15 April 2011

Trouble with Headcollars

Does anyone else have trouble finding suitable headcollars for showing Shetlands?  I've used the same nice traditional dark brown leather headcollars for my miniatures from day 1, but now, faced with the 'should be simple' task of procuring a headcollar for our new Standard, I have struck a catalogue of difficulties.  Firstly, I found one, size 'Shetland' online.  Great - I ordered it promptly.  No, sorry, out of stock, discontinued.  The supplier referred me to the manufacturer.  I rang the manufacturer, they were unable to comment on the actual size of their headcollars, as they didn't know what they measured!!  Undaunted, I tried a local supplier - out of stock, awaiting new supplies from France (8 weeks and counting).  So I went to a saddler's, armed with the lilac webbing headcollar I use for everyday.  The assistant measured the headcollar briskly against a leather one, and said it was suitable.  Unfortunately, it wasn't.  It was too big.  I returned, it, but they didn't have a smaller one, so they ordered one.  That was too small, so they made an extra hole in the large one, as I needed it urgently for a show.  The headcollar was clearly still too big, so I tried one on ebay.  It was too small, so I am currently awaiting a further supply of a larger one.  Is it just me, or is this altogether too complicated???

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Hanlith Hall Horse Show

What a lovely day at the Hanlith Hall show!  This is a really picturesque location, tucked away down winding roads between Gargrave and Malham. Not a serious show for Shetland ponies, as there is no specific Shetland class, although there are eleven in-hand classes, including youngstock, best condition, and mountain and moorland, so most shetlands would be eligible for at least two or three classes, not counting the novelty classes at lunchtime.  Judge was really helpful, and gave out lots of well received advice. Many different types of horse, pony, and competitor enthusiastically taking part, and a great venue for a picnic.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Shows in May

There are a lot more shows to choose from in May.  I have my eye on three:

May 8th, White Rose County Show, a 'real' pony show, BSPS Area 3B. There are classes for in-hand and ridden shetlands, and the last time I attended (2008) there was a good entry, with the added bonus that year of several Falabellas - a minature horse breed not seen very often.  This is in the lovely and convenient location of Temple Newsam, in Leeds. Closing date 25th April.

May 21st, Otley Show, a good traditional agricultural show, well attended with lots of livestock classes, trade stands, and entertainments.  A small number of classes for Shetlands, also the Glynn Greenwood Mountain and Moorland classes.  A good day out.  Entries close 16th April.

May 30th, Warrington Horse Show, the real deal so far as horse shows are concerned.  Serious horse riding going on, but usually a good entry for Shetlands, and a great show to see lots of good horses.  A selection of trade stands, and a well run show. Closing date 5th May.

Yorkshire Shetlands Spring Show

This was a show with an unusual venue.  It was held at the York Livestock Centre, and this turned out to be an auction centre, so there was a small field for showing livestock, and then a very large area of metal buildings housing sales halls, and stabling.  There seemed to be various 'car boot' type sales taking place at the same time in some of the halls, and the whole area was crowded with people attending these various events.  It was very noisy inside the stables, due to people, animals, and the general noise levels that come from busyness within metal buildings.  My ponies were a bit frightened by all the commotion, and one was definitly unhappy to be left alone.  Apart from this 'industrial' ambiance, it was quite conveniently laid out, with the stables being very near the showing ring. 
It was a pleasant day as there were many lovely Shetlands present, and lots of familiar faces.  Tip for this show - leave your picnic outside the stable, unless you like your sandwiches trampled a bit.