Thursday 17 May 2012

Castleford Riding Club show

This is one of three shows to be held by this club throughout the year. The show was surprisingly well supported, with lots of clsses and competitors. We had quite an enjoyable day, although a cold wind across the unsheltered field made for uncomfortable waiting. Interestingly, the ring was on a hillside, so the judge was obliged to re run one competitor, whom she had originally directed to run down hill. Apart from this, the venue had good grass surface, and plenty of room on a very pleasant field. We were pleased to purchase a really nice photograph taken by a professional photographer there, which will be a nice memento of a worthwhile outing.
Next weekend is busy with two very well loved shows - Otley on Saturday, and the White Rose at Temple Newsome, run by BSPS, on Sunday. We are hoping for two good days, and hopefully some better results.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Hanlith Hall Pony Show

Hanlith Hall - always an enjoyable day. We had a lovely time, as usual, and we were pleased our pony behaved better this time, and gained a 2nd. As before, there is a good selection of classes, if you want to enter more than one. There is no separate class for Shetlands, but Mountain and Moorland is divided into large and small breeds, and then there is 'best condition', 'novice', etc.  As usual, our judge was really pleasant - this makes such a difference to the competitor's enjoyment.  Weather was bright, and fine, though a bit chilly. I hope the new Saturday timing won't put people off, as this is such a pleasant show.
For next week, I've discovered a new pony club at Castleford, with what seems to be a similar series of shows, so I'm going to give that a try. Entries are taken on the day, so easy to decide close to the day.

Thursday 3 May 2012

First Show of the Year - Yorkshire Shetlands Spring Show

This year, a small shift in show dates led to the Yorkshire Shetlands Spring Show being first up on April 21st. Held at the Livestock Auction Centre in Merton near York, this show was a first outing for many ponies this year, and mine certainly showed the effects of a long winter spent doing absolutely what they felt like. Due to the persistant cold weather, my ponies still have their thick winter coats, which doesn't help. We could have had a run out at the Hanlith Hall horse show at Easter, but bad weather and other factors meant we had to miss this one. The Spring Show was well supported, and despite disappointing performances from pony and handler (me), we had a really good day, as we were able to catch up with many old friends, and meet new ones. We had a close encounter with a very cute new foal, and spent most of the morning chatting. To summarise - great day out, shame about the results!
This is a good show for those serious about Shetland Pony showing, with the opportunity to see many really good ponies and expert handlers, and is a good place to meet lots of enthusiasts. The venue is unusual, and not really ideally suited to picnicking, but is convenient for the ponies, with good stabling available right next to the show ring. Entry fees are very reasonable, and refreshments are available within the Auction centre.
Our next show will be the Hanlith Hall show on May 5th.  The shows will be held on Saturdays this year, and this year I will be joining the Pony Club, so that I can gain points at the shows, and I am hoping to attend the end of year Presentation evening. 

Tuesday 18 October 2011

September - the last shows of the season

Keighley 3rd September; this is a good one.  A large agricultural show, with all the trimmings.  This should be on anyone's calendar, if you are within easy reach. The Keighley show boasts five classes for Shetlands, with several championships awards and trophies on offer.
Stokesly Show, 17 September; our first time at this show, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can recommend this for next year. There was a good selection of trade stands, including some good refreshment stands, an enormous and very popular country clothing marquee, and huge marquees for the small animals, vegetables etc.  Classes are for Mountain and Moorland, divided in to small and large breeds, with no separate class for Shetlands, but still there was a strong showing of Shetlands in the small breeds classes.
And finally, as always, Nidderdale, held at Pately Bridge on Monday 19th September.  We don't usually go to midweek shows, but we always make an exception for the Nidderdale, even though there are only three classes for Mountain and Moorland, and no separate Shetland classes.  As well as the horse and agricultrual events, the Nidderdale features a large dog show, and a good standard of professional main ring entertainments. The venue is in a picturesque area, and the lovely village is only two minutes walk away.
And that's it for this year, except that we attended another Hanlith Hall show in September, and may consider joining in the monthly tournament next year, we enjoyed these friendly little shows so much.  My next blog will follow the Hanlith Hall presentation ceremony at a Masquerade Ball in Skipton.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

August Shows

August showing began for us with the surprisingly entertaining Tockwith Show.  This is an unaffiliated show for Shetlands, but was well supported, with a good entry over several classes. Unfortunately, no pony-accompanied spectators were allowed at ring-side, so I missed our pony's first win, and best result so far for us.  I can recommend this show particularly for the quality of handcrafts, being demonstrated on the spot by crafts people.  Giftware and other products were also of a noticeably high standard.  A very large show to look around.
Ripley Show again offered another great day out.  There is a good variety of livestock at this show, in extremely picturesque grounds, although there were only two classes to choose from for Shetlands.  Interestingly, this is one of the few shows that offers a class for unregistered Shetlands.
Gargrave Show was affiliated, so well supported by the serious Shetland fraternity.  Plenty of classes, a nice sized ring, and some quality Shetlands made this a very interesting day.
Bank Holiday Monday is always the day for the Epworth Show.  This is quite a large local agricultural show, with several mountain and moorland classes, as well as open classes for coloured, young stock and miniature horses and ponies.  Quite good entry numbers, considering the large number of classes, and a good, sizable venue. 
September begins for us at the Keighley Show.  This will be a good Agricultural Show, with lots of livestock, entertainments, trade stands, and of course, Shetland Ponies.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Malton Agricultural Show, Shetland Pony Breed Club Show, Huby and Sutton on Forest

Three great shows.  The Malton Show is held at Scampston Park - picturesque grounds, overlooked by a lovely House.  Just 3 classes of in-hand Mountain and Moorland, with an unusually large number of competitors in each, but still a nice day out, with lots to see at the Show.
The Shetland Pony Stud Book Society Breed Show was a different sort of show altogether.  The location was an enormous equestrian centre in Falkirk. Many ponies stayed overnight in the stables, and the Society held a ceilidh on Saturday evening.  There were approximately 400 ponies at the breed show, and what an array of beautiful quality ponies.  The venue was ideally suited, and the show was very well run.  I can particularly remark upon the friendly welcome extended to everyone by the hard working committee members.  It is certainly well worth the effort to travel to this show, and a real experience to see so many fantastic Shetlands.    
The Huby and Sutton Agricultural Show is a well run, enjoyable show.  Lots of livestock and other classes, and particularly good horse classes.  We were able to enter the Mountain and Moorland, and the Shetland classes, as they had separate specific timed starts, so no worry about paying the entry fee and then finding a time clash. We saw a lovely display of carriage driving, and the weather was very hot.  This show is well worth a go, with some top Shetland ponies in attendance.

Monday 4 July 2011

North of England Shetland Pony Show

As expected, this was a very interesting show, with lots of top Shetlands competing.  A new venue, farther north than last year, but a nice spacious field, with easy access from the M6 or A65. Definitely one for the serious Shetland showing enthusiast. Just a shetland show, this, with minimum refreshments and barely a trade stand in sight, but a lovely day and worth the trip.

We've decided against the North of England In Hand and Mountain and Moorland Show on 17th, in favour of the Malton Agricultural Show.  Malton will be a much less serious show for Shetlands, but I think we can be sure of an entertaining day out.